Can Paddle Boards Be Stored Outside in Winter?


With their rising popularity in recent years, paddle boards have become a go-to water activity for many outdoor enthusiasts. Whether it’s gliding across calm lakes or riding ocean waves, paddle boarding offers a thrilling and immersive experience. However, as the winter months approach, one common concern among paddle board owners is how to properly store their boards during this colder season.

Winter storage for paddle boards is crucial to ensure their longevity and prevent any potential damage caused by harsh weather conditions. The freezing temperatures and fluctuating weather patterns that come with winter can pose risks to the integrity of the boards. Understanding the best practices for winter storage is essential to protect your investment and extend the lifespan of your paddle board.

In this blog post, we will delve into the topic of storing paddle boards outside during the winter months. We will explore various factors that should be considered before making a decision, such as climate considerations and the type of material your paddle board is made from. Additionally, we will discuss proper preparation techniques and alternative storage options to help you make an informed decision based on your specific circumstances.

Factors to Consider Before Storing Paddle Boards Outside

When it comes to storing paddle boards during the winter months, several important factors need to be considered. One of the primary considerations is the climate in which you live. Extreme cold temperatures can have a significant impact on the condition of your paddle board. Freezing and thawing cycles can cause damage to the board’s structure and materials, compromising its integrity over time.

Another crucial factor to consider is the material of your paddle board. Paddle boards are typically constructed using a variety of materials, including fiberglass, epoxy, and inflatable PVC. Each material has different durability and resistance to cold weather. While fiberglass and epoxy paddle boards tend to be more resilient, inflatable PVC boards are prone to damage in freezing temperatures. It’s important to understand the limitations of your board’s material and how it may be affected by winter conditions.

The type of storage method you choose also plays a role in protecting your paddle board. Storing your board outside without any cover exposes it to the elements, increasing the risk of damage. However, using a dedicated paddle board storage rack or cover can help provide some protection. It’s essential to weigh the pros and cons of each storage method based on your specific situation and the severity of your winter climate.

In conclusion, before deciding to store your paddle board outside during the winter, it’s crucial to consider the climate, the material of the board, and the type of storage method you’ll be using. While some boards may withstand colder temperatures better than others, extreme cold and freezing conditions can still pose a risk. If you’re unsure about the impact of winter storage on your board or have concerns about its longevity, it’s recommended to explore alternative storage options such as indoor storage or professional storage facilities. By taking the necessary precautions and considering the factors discussed, you can ensure that your paddle board remains in good condition and ready for your next adventure.

Proper Preparation for Winter Storage

When it comes to storing your paddle board outside during the winter months, proper preparation is crucial to ensure its longevity and performance. Before you bid farewell to your beloved board, it’s important to follow a few essential steps to protect it from potential damage caused by the harsh winter conditions.

First and foremost, giving your paddle board a thorough cleaning is essential. Dirt, salt, and debris can cause corrosion and deterioration over time. Use a gentle detergent and warm water to remove any dirt or grime accumulated during your paddling adventures. Pay special attention to cleaning the areas around the fin box and leash plug.

Once your paddle board is squeaky clean, consider applying a protective coating such as wax or a UV protectant. These coatings act as a shield against the elements, preventing fading, cracking, and damage from UV rays. Applying a thin layer of wax or a UV protectant will help maintain the board’s vibrant colors and overall integrity.

Finally, securing your paddle board properly is crucial to avoid any potential damage while in storage. Using straps or covers can prevent accidental bumps or scratches. Make sure to tighten the straps, ensuring a snug fit but not so tight that it causes unnecessary pressure on the board. A well-secured paddle board will be better protected against harsh winds and potential impacts.

Alternative Storage Options

While storing your paddle board outside during winter may seem convenient, it’s important to consider alternative storage options that can better protect your investment. Here are two popular alternatives to outdoor storage:

A. Indoor storage

If you have the space, storing your paddle board indoors during the winter months is highly recommended. Indoor storage provides a controlled environment, protecting your board from extreme temperature fluctuations, moisture, and potential damage from snow or ice. Garages, basements, or even spare rooms can serve as suitable indoor storage spaces.

When opting for indoor storage, make sure to choose a location that is dry and well-ventilated. Avoid storing your paddle board near heaters or other sources of direct heat, as this can cause warping or damage to the board. Additionally, keeping your paddle board indoors allows for easy access, making it convenient to inspect and maintain your board throughout the winter season.

B. Storage facilities

If indoor storage space is limited or unavailable, renting a storage unit or utilizing professional storage facilities is another excellent option. Storage facilities are specifically designed to provide secure and climate-controlled environments for various items, including paddle boards.

By renting a storage space, you can ensure your paddle board is protected from harsh winter conditions. These facilities often offer temperature-controlled units that maintain a consistent temperature, preventing any damage caused by freezing or excessive heat. Additionally, storage facilities are equipped with security measures like surveillance cameras and access control systems, providing peace of mind that your paddle board is safe.

While outdoor storage may seem convenient, the potential risks and damage to your paddle board during winter months make it less than ideal. Consider the alternative storage options of indoor storage or utilizing professional storage facilities to ensure your paddle board remains in optimal condition for years to come.


As we conclude our exploration of storing paddle boards outside during the winter, it’s important to consider the key points discussed. The climate and material of your paddle board are significant factors to keep in mind. If you reside in an area with extreme cold temperatures, it’s advisable to seek alternative storage options. Freezing and thawing cycles can potentially damage your paddle board, especially if it’s made of less durable materials.

Proper preparation for winter storage is crucial regardless of where you choose to store your paddle board. Cleaning your board thoroughly and applying protective coatings can help safeguard it from the harsh elements. Additionally, securing your paddle board properly with straps or covers will prevent any potential damage caused by strong winds or heavy snowfall.

While storing paddle boards outside may seem convenient, it’s worth considering alternative storage options. Indoor storage provides greater protection against freezing temperatures and ensures a longer lifespan for your board. If you have access to a garage, basement, or other indoor spaces, it’s recommended to utilize these areas for winter storage. Alternatively, professional storage facilities offer a secure and controlled environment for your paddle board, albeit at an additional cost.

Ultimately, the decision on whether to store your paddle board outside during the winter boils down to your specific circumstances. Consider the climate, material, and available storage options in your area. By taking the necessary precautions and making an informed choice, you can ensure the longevity and performance of your beloved paddle board for many seasons to come.